School Rules & Regulation

Discipline At Wood Row School

  • Strict regularity, implicit obedience, courtesy in speech conduct, cleanliness of dress and person are expected from every pupil. Pupils must strictly conform to the regulations laid down in this regard. The wearing of the school uniform ( as per detail enclosed) is obligatory. Violation is sufficient reason to expel a student from school premises without the proper uniform.
  • No books, newspaper or periodicals may be brought to the school without permission of the principal.
  • No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be started without permission of the principal.
  • Late comers and absentees from school will not be admitted to class without the principal’s signature. Continuous late attendance is liable for punishment.
  • Pupils are not allowed to visit the staff room. Silence must be observed in the corridors and on the stairs during class hours.
  • No pupil can be admitted without a T.C (Transfer certificate) From the last school.
  • The school authorities do not hold themselves responsible for the student’s loss of money, books articles and clothing etc. The students are expected to look after their own belongings carefully.
  • Calling teachers and students on the phone during class hours will not be accepted.
  • Fines may be imposed by the principal for irregularity, indiscipline or damage to the school property.

Students have responsibility to:

  • In case of illness, medical certificate must be produced within three days of absence. The school accepts the medical certificate only of the doctor registered in the school. Doctors in Government services, not below the rank of chief physician or surgeon be deemed regd. In case of doubt, the school may insist on the child being examined by the Chief Medical Officer or the school doctor.
  • .If a student continues to be absent for a month, without the previous written permission of the principal of the school, his name will be stuck off the school rolls and in case of his rejoining, the admission fee Rs. 500/- will be recharged. The school authorities may exercise their right of not readmitting any student who fails to return in time.
  • Parents are strictly forbidden to interview their children of teachers in the class without the permission of the principal.Second Saturday may be considered Visitor’s Day, when they can meet teachers.
  • No teacher of the staff is permitted to give a fresh tuition two months before the examination. Every tuition must end one month before the final examination.
  • All students must be clean tidy in their dress and manners. Parents are requested to send their children to school tidily dressed without which they will be refused admission to class. They should always keep their books clean, neatly covered with their name written on their books.

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